Smart Storage Cleaner uses Cutting edge Artificial intelligence to organise your Photos and Videos in an elegant way with our user friendly Interface

Auto Detect Memes, Spoofs and Trolls

App uses custom trained AI models to detect all the Spoofs, Memes and Troll pictures in your phone.
All these are done with out sending your photos to any outside servers.

Auto Detect Similar and Duplicate Photos.

Using Apple's own Vision AI Framework, this app can detect Similar and Duplicate photos.
Our Accuracy is the best.

Sort and Organise Photos and Videos

We offer you "Ultra Fast Sorting" based on Date, month, Year and Size.
Size information of all videos and photos in your iphone are made avilable.

Explore what's inside your albums in easiest ways

Get detailed information on all the albums you have & content and size of it.
You can sort, find Spoofs and Trolls.
Mannually delete all photos & vidoes based on Albums too.

With Free Subscription Enjoy The Best

No more expensive subscription for just sorting and deleting your photos unlike other apps.
Are you annoyed by selecting and removing each forwarded Good Morning-Good Night memes & trolls which is trapped between your lovely photos!!.
Here comes an end to your struggle of choosing and deleting each pictures. We can sort it for you with our cutting edge Artificial Intelligence.
Identify similar and duplicate photos using our app and toss unwanted pictures to your bin. We use Apple Vision frame work to do this and it is the best in class accuracy!
Use our "Sort By Size" filter to delete photos and videos that consumed lion's share of your phone memory. Save your space in a few clicks for your future memorable pictures and videos

Key Features:
# sort Pictures and Videos by:
    1. Size
    2. Day
    3. Month
    4. Year
# Find Duplicate & Similar Images
# Preview your image before deletion
# User friendly interface
# Fast Loading



Edwin Wilson

Mobile Application Developer

Ditty Thomas

Content and QA